Recent Contest Results

2023 Lascaux Prize in Short Fiction

Lunch at the Blacksmith, by Cornelia Nixon

2023 Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction

The Demulcent of Shame, by Jason Prokowiew

2023 Lascaux Prize in Flash Fiction

So Slow That It Sounds True, by Vanessa Tamm

2023 Lascaux Prize in Poetry

Capturing the Scent of Rain, by Karen Paul Holmes


It all began around a campfire…

Beautiful language

is meant to be heard as well as read, and in fact words were vocalized eons before they were ever committed to clay or parchment. Storytelling began around campfires. We seek prose and poetry that continue the tradition.

Contributor Spotlight:

by Mary Liza Hartong

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Open Contests

Best Writing Contests of 2022, recommended by Reedsy

by Stephen Parrish, with the editors of The Lascaux Review