
by Rebecca Foust
I was thirteen, and there was a boy’s mouth / where my legs met.

Changing Hearts

by David Watts
I heard for the second time / the news of his heart transplant, / details like a post card from a foreign country


by Oak Morse
We were all one beautiful blend / of mama’s love. My brother, / the color of ecru, the other one / sepia, and me, ebony.

Elegy for a Living Mother

by Renee Agatep
When she finally dies / she’ll meekly ask God why was it all / clattering highchairs, whiskers on stained sinks

Jenner Stones

by David Watts
At Jenner-by-the-Sea we scurry / over boulders to the place / where the breakers bear down


by Rebecca Foust
I made soup tonight, with cabbage, chard / and thyme picked outside our back door.

The Figure

by Joseph Fasano
You sit at a window and listen to your father / crossing the dark grasses of the fields